SportsShoes Size Recommendation
Product Description Page development
My role: UX Research | UI Design
Aim - Improve the size selection tool and integrate recommendations to aid shoe size selection
Some of our partner brands, like Adidas, had started to show suggestions on sizes and if a customer should size up or down to give a more informed decision when purchasing shoes online.
I explored how we you integrate this into our Product Description Pages.
Existing design
Shown here is the existing Product Description Page. It features a large image area and the description area on the right hand side. Observations we made here were the Add to basket button looked squashed and the dropdown text size selector looked very dated.
My new improved design
I addressed these in the first iteration of the redesign shown below. I increased the width of the add to basket button to give it more prominence. The dropdown size selector was completely redesigned to be more aesthetically pleasing and easier to see at a glance. The size boxes colour are coded to denote the stock availability and this is dynamically updated through the stock API. The new dropdown gained great feedback from our partners.
Next iteration
The next step was to address the recommendation section. Our product team were constantly collected and logging size data on new and existing shoes to recommend how they are expected to fit customers. This coupled with brand data provided to us SportsShoes are able to offer guidance to a customer if they should order their normal size, or size up or down accordingly.
This is shown in the dropdown by a scale system with 5 points. The points advise to either Size down 1 or Size up 1 with 1/2 size increments. The wording for this section was tested within our running community to ensure there was no ambiguity with which size to select.
Future development
During the wash up for this project I also identified some future developments that should be added in the future. One of which was to add a toggle for EU and US sizes as an international business we have customers who prefer to see the size conversions.
Another extension to this element would be to have a more in-depth recommendation tool where the customer can input their size data (e.g. current shoe sizes for certain brands) and then get an even more accurate size recommendation, this could also be stored on their personal account to save time next time they are making a purchase.